Friday, August 8, 2008

Random life moments while on bedrest...

First off, to clarify and update...I am on bedrest, and have been since July 1, at 24 weeks, for a short cervix. It could be a sign of preterm labor risks, an incompetent cervix, or just my body prepping early like it has before (I dilated with Beth and Adam at 31 weeks). But not knowing for sure, I'm playing it safe following doctor's orders (mostly) and sitting/laying around all day. It makes life challenging when I need to take care of 3 kids in a new house full of boxes but we're getting by. The kids are great. They even helped unpack their rooms so now they have plenty to keep them busy. And Jason has become such a servant, running for the phone and diapers, refilling my water, and pushing empty boxes down the stairs :) I'm very fortunate that their so tolerant and patient with our unique situation. I'm not saying they've been perfect. The discovery of packing peanuts while mom was napping upstairs with Adam, well, not one of our best moments but with daddy and a vacuum, it did get cleaned up eventually.

Fortunately, we've found an amazing church full of people with servant's hearts that have already begun to provide meals and come clean our house (this is a seriously humbling experience to let a stranger into your disaster of a home and watch them unpack and clean while you lay there and watch, wow!)
I do get out of the house to run errands (Target, the grocery store AND Trader Joe's! have carts for me to ride in, embarrassing but fun :) and to go to church. We go Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. After Sunday services there's a potluck type lunch every week that has been great for getting to know people. And the kids love the cupcakes with blue icing two weeks in a row, yikes!

Considering it's August in Georgia, we can't really go out and play anyway! It's so muggy and hot. There are many times we've had to literally push Adam out the door as he's screaming, "no, hot, no!" We try to go out first thing in the morning for a little bit of run around time (that's the three kids in our front yard) but even that has been too much for Adam and Beth (Jason loves riding his scooter around the cul-de-sac even in the heat, it's such a freedom after living on such a busy street). We did venture out without daddy to the local library for storytime (indoor play!) It was really more of a play and dance time with a few too many young toddlers but it was better than sitting at home! Unfortunately, we couldn't check out any books. Did you know you need proof of residency to get a library card? Ok, I knew that, too, but my brain doesn't function on full power these days, and I was caught feeling pretty dumb standing there with books and videos the kids had carefully picked out and no way to take them out of the library! Oh well, we'll try again when that first utility bill arrives :)

And then there are the summer thunder storms...The kids love watching the sudden cloud bursts of torrential downpour complete with thunder and lightning that booms throughout the house and flickers the lights on and off. It's still fun because it's new, and it's not scary because it only lasts 15 minutes at the most! We'll see how we all feel about storms come winter.

...and that's the lives of the Skellys these days. I have lots of flashback posts to post so look out for California stories of June/July birthdays, the fourth, and just us enjoying summer.

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Hello Skelly Family!

Love getting the updates on your blog. I'm currently, slowly, updating ours. Crazy how time is flying. I'll e-mail pictures from your visit and post some, too.

Happy to hear about the church find and so glad they're helping out.

We're headed to CA on Wednesday (yay!) and will be outside Minnie's house on Friday. Can't wait! The Harris' plan to meet us there which will be great.

Keep blogging and we will, too.
