Friday, August 1, 2008

Day Five - To Our New Home

We spent the night at a nice hotel in eastern Mississippi. As much as we wanted to press on, it was getting late and we wanted to be sure the kids, who had been asleep since Louisiana, got a chance to know they were in Mississippi before we crossed into Alabama. When we crossed the Mississippi River, we actually stopped on the bridge and tried to absorb the grandeur of it all (in the dark while the kids where asleep). Andrew doesn't ever remember actually crossing the river so he was pretty excited. We even considered staying in a hotel right there with a river view but I convinced him to press on as the kids have barely heard the name Mississippi. We'll stay there and spend time there when they know what they are seeing! So on we went...after a breakfast at McDonald's (yes, we ate at McDonald's for breakfast, and Beth now thinks breakfast burgers are the best thing ever! I have to make her some homemade egg sandwiches cuz she won't be eating there again for awhile if I can help it!) we drove on to Alabama.

So what does one do with three little kids driving all day you might ask? We eat snacks, watch dvd's, and color. We also hand out new toys (as bad as their food is they have pretty cool transformer toys at McDonald's right now that made Adam happy) and colored pipe cleaners. I read on a website that they make fun toys, and I then learned my sister Tara had heard the same thing and used them on the plane ride home from Africa with the girls. So to all out there who have to travel by air or land: colored pipe cleaners are fun and easy! Beyond that we napped. The kids were great travelers, and although they were eager to get there, there was very little complaining. I was really worried that Adam would refuse to get in his car seat at one point in the trip because, well, he's just like that. But he was never a problem. After a month of no daddy and moving around from our house to friends and cousins, I think he was just happy to be all together and headed to our new home. He was so content, I have to believe he understood what was going on...or maybe it was the complete access to paci and blankie, hmmm...

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