Saturday, August 16, 2008

Like Father, like son

For Andrew's birthday I got him a 4x4 Rubik's Cube because he'd already completed my old 3x3 some time ago. He is super hard to buy for because he doesn't want me spending money on fun things just for the purpose of being silly or creative, and he doesn't need anything, or so he believes. But I keep trying and this year I bought him this Rubik's cube. I didn't know what to expect but this is what happened...I lost my husband for a month! He played with it almost every night (or at least if felt that way) and when I'd ask him about something the next day he'd look at me clueless and say, "did I have the Rubik's cube in my hand?" Yes, if it was in his hand, he would nod and say uh, huh, when I talked but he heard nothing! Result: he completed it. He was proud. And he was able to put it down!
Now my title, like father, like son...Jason got the Rubik's snake for his birthday (I highly recommend this toy as every child aged 3-103 that comes over picks it up and plays with it). He loved making it into letter shapes and zig-zags. And then he discovered from his cousins that there were more challenging shapes such as the ball. So without direction, he sat there one afternoon for over 30 minutes, tuned out the world, and figured out how to make the ball. He now can do it in about 1 minute. He is his father's son.

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