Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jill is 10 months old!

I was fine with 10 months old until someone said, "So she's almost a year old then?" My stomach dropped! How did my newborn baby become "almost one year old!!!" I don't know, but here she is developing super fast and becoming her own person at 10 months old... She's crawling and appears everywhere (she's quiet and stealth-like!)
She's pulling up to standing, and is working on her balance...very exciting!She enjoys her daily walks in the stroller. Although with big brother Jason pushing her she's learned to hold on tight (seriously, she holds onto this fish toy all the time!)
She claps whenever we say, "yea!"Here she is happily sitting picture perfect since she doesn't have her own handmade frame (made by her siblings before she was born.) We think everyone should have their own Jillian to hang on their wall :)Being 10 months old is exhausting (I move so much now that I'm actually tired enough to take naps, mommy is very happy!) See you next month!

Our Fancy Nancy Beth

Beth has always had her own style. She has a Fancy Nancy in her (if you don't know the books and have any eccentric girls in your life - look for them!) We've seen this for years in her clothing style but now her artistic creativity and uniqueness is entering all areas of her life. This is how she empties the dishwasher...
I love the thought and seriousness she puts into what could be such a mundane task. It's so fun to see each child develop and show such interesting strengths and interests. Can't wait to see what's next!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First Day of School

Yes, we homeschool but today was their first day at their weekly enrichment classes. One day a week they take classes (art, music, dance, lego building...) at a nearby church. They look so grown-up in their uniform shirts and backpacks. Even Adam is taking a class this year. Seriously, how cute is this kid?!
Notes: Beth's legs look super white because she has on her tights for dance, and Adam did get shoes...Daddy was upstairs getting socks while the photo was taken :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jason's feet

We're reading Little House in the Big Woods. After finishing the chapter, "Dancing at Grandpa's," I looked up "jig" on youtube to show the kids what it means to dance a jig like grandma in the book. We found a fiddler and two girls dancing an Irish jig. We all were bouncing along as we watched and Jason commented, "my ears won't let my feet stop moving." As we start recorder and piano lessons this year, I hope his feet never stop listening to his ears :)