Saturday, May 30, 2009

What about Jason...

In reviewing recent posts, I realized our oldest has been neglected. Poor guy...he's cute and witty like the others but somehow I've missed his moments in the blog world. Here's a picture and quick update...He's finished kindergarten but doesn't want to stop because he's reading and wants to keep working on that so he can read everything. He loves astronomy and will soon know more than me on that subject. His big boy teeth are growing in making him look so old! He loves legos and building blocks. His favorite chore is mopping my kitchen floor, woo hoo for me! What else...he's my hero whenever a bug is near as he enjoys squishing them and cleaning them up (this makes him Beth's hero, too). And today he learned not to leave shoes outside as he found a lizard in his boot (this may have actually been cool for him but it really freaked me out!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Nana...Jeanne McCambridge

My Nana passed away just a few weeks ago, and I was blessed with a trip to Ohio to celebrate her life. It was a beautiful weekend, and I know my Nana loved us all being together to celebrate her life. She forbid sadness and mourning in her last wishes. She's celebrating with Jesus and reunited with her husband and daughter and we should rejoice, too. Rejoice we did but we couldn't hold back the loss completely. Watch this beautiful video of Lindsay singing to her Nana and fighting, fighting hard, to celebrate and not cry...

I spent Mother's Day with my mom and a weekend with the family I grew up's been a long time since the five of us have been together with no kids or spouses around. It was good, very good...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jillian is 7 months old!

I can't believe how time is flying but our newborn baby is not so newborn! She's sitting and eating and becoming more and more animated everyday! I'm also thrilled to announce that she is sleeping a good 9-10 hours a night, woo hoo! And she loves brocolli - whole steamed brocolli - who'd have guessed?

Covered in brocolli or posing for the camera...she's adorable!

Adam's Birthday Video

I try to interview the kids on their birthdays for posterity. I am very pleased with this year's videos of Adam. They are truly Adam. There are three (I had to keep stopping to keep a cranky baby quiet). Watch the first and if you're super amused check the youtube links for the other two. (seriously the best of the three but it's 3 minutes long...I think it's worth it :)

As for his birthday went well. He had lots of friends to bounce in the trampoline and decorate cupcakes. He even got a Spiderman costume that took the place of his Nemo costume! Here are a few pics of the fun...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Our Hearts...according to Beth

Today Beth was showing me her ribs. I asked if she knew why God created her with a ribcage. Jason jumped in to say, "to protect our hearts and lots of other important things." And Beth continued, "yes, because if our hearts get broken, God would fall out and die."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beth's Cinderella Dance

Beth's first recital was tonight. It was definitely 4 year old talent but adorable, and you can see how into the song she truly was...honestly everytime I watch I tear up. The song is cruel like that and then you add a bunch of four year old girls being so super sweet...see if you can hold back the tears!

And here's her tap dance...I'm not sure if she's a bit early on some of the moves or if everyone else is a bit late...but it's fun to watch :)

Someday you can dance on stage, too, Jill!

She was so excited to get flowers from her Daddy. She even asked, "do I get to take these home?" So sweet...

And after a long evening of dancing and being adorable, she fell asleep and her Daddy carried her to bed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

6 months on Easter Sunday!

Jillian turned 6 months old in California. Half a year old and she finally got to meet so much of my family. It was pure joy for me to see my Grandma, aunts, cousins, and sisters holding her and loving on her.We spent a few fun days playing at Grandma Mae's. She sang and played with fun to watch!My cousin Rob got Jillian kisses!
Jillian enjoyed some quality time with her Aunt Lindsay.and her Aunt Janis (she took a nap on Janis' lap :)So many cousins to hold Jill and to make her laugh (it seemed their goal to get her attention and make her laugh, and I must add, they were quite successful with a usually very quiet Jill). So what does 6 months mean for Jillian - she's rolling over, grabbing everything within sight, eating solid food (is baby food really solid?) and starting to sit up (or rather remain sitting when we set her down). She's just amazing!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Adam!

Our computer is down so I haven't blogged since before our California trip. There are so many pictures and stories but for now sharing my baby boy's birthday is priority... Adam is turning 3! He's so excited to celebrate his big day with candles, fish and friends. Yes, it's a fish theme and he'll be wearing his Nemo costume. Someday I'll have a working computer and share pictures of all the fun :) It should be a great beginning to a wonderful year. We're entering a time of no pacifier, potty training (finally) and even taking an art class one day a week this fall. Where does the time go? For now, I'm working to get as many hugs, smiles and tickles in as I can.

Happy Birthday, Adam! I love you so much!