Friday, May 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Adam!

Our computer is down so I haven't blogged since before our California trip. There are so many pictures and stories but for now sharing my baby boy's birthday is priority... Adam is turning 3! He's so excited to celebrate his big day with candles, fish and friends. Yes, it's a fish theme and he'll be wearing his Nemo costume. Someday I'll have a working computer and share pictures of all the fun :) It should be a great beginning to a wonderful year. We're entering a time of no pacifier, potty training (finally) and even taking an art class one day a week this fall. Where does the time go? For now, I'm working to get as many hugs, smiles and tickles in as I can.

Happy Birthday, Adam! I love you so much!

1 comment:

Tara said...

Happy birthday Adam!!!!:)