Thursday, March 19, 2009

Jillian at 5 months

This post is a little late but here goes...Jill is 5 months old and getting cuter by the day. It's so fun to talk to her because her expressions now react to you. She giggles. She reaches her hands out to touch your face. She stares intently at you like she's listening to every word. Or she turns her head and stares at her hands like they are the most amazing creation ever (which they may be). The kids fight over talking to her and hugging her and giving her kisses. She is not lacking in love. She's starting to eat solid foods (or at least baby food) and enjoys it. Jason says her first word is "mmmm." She really does make a lot of noise when eating (and quite a mess. She messed up a few shirts before we found all the bibs that were still packed away upstairs!) She's rolled over now and we can only sit back and wait for what is to come from our beautiful Jillian!

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