Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Andrew and Jocelyn

Jocelyn spends her days reading Goodnight Moon, Baby Peek-a-Boo and any Curious George book brought to her. She also enjoys play-doh, painting, and endless laundry. Cooking has also been a new experience lately since we've joined a csa (community supported agriculure) program. We've been introduced to all kinds of new fruits and veggies. Jocelyn has learned to cook kale, collard greens, brocolli rabe and eggplant, to name a few. It's been an adventure for all of us. And Andrew...he's still working at Murata, still traveling a lot and we're still talking about getting a new job and moving somewhere where we can afford a house. We'll see...he's also been landscaping our yard, giving us a vegetable garden that we're all very excited about, and of course, leading many a ticklefest.

Monday, July 30, 2007

As for Jason...

Jason is discovering the world and trying constantly to put it all together. His current interests are geography, time zones, and weather. Recent questions have been, "what are clouds made of?" and "are there restaurants on the top and bottom of the world?" and "while we're eating dinner, are our cousins in North Carolina eating breakfast?" Am I allowed to tell him that he'll learn the answer to many of his questions years from now and for now he should just work on playing ball and having pretend picnics with his sister? He's also working on reading and I'm really looking forward to doing a pre-K program at home with him this year. But for now we're just enjoying summer and all the water that comes with it! He loves swimming and does a great cannonball but is just as happy playing in the sprinklers and creating his own water slide in our front yard!

An Adam update...

Adam's teasing us by not walking at almost 15 months. He's taken steps for weeks now so we figure one of these days he'll just get up and walk across the room! Meanwhile, he keeps us busy climbing everything. Can't walk but can get on top of the kitchen table in a single bound! He also enjoys a good game of peek-a-boo and tickle-fests, and he's starting to talk. He parrots our words and independently says a handful of words. He also makes multiple animal sounds, although they all sound like arf, arf if you don't have a mother's discerning ear :)

Beth's latest...

Beth is all girl down to her purse and cinderella cell phone and yes, even her moodiness! She changes outfits 3 times a day and insists that her dresses twirl (fortunately she's not completely sure what this means so we've convinced her one by one that all her dresses twirl :) Cinderella is her best friend and her brother Jason is her prince. We have told her that when she's older she'll have a new prince, a wonderful husband Jesus picks just for her but for now Jason is her chivalrous caretaker.

Beth loves to sing and dance (we're hoping to get her in ballet lessons this fall). While playing independently she's almost always singing some made up song. It's often a variation of Jesus loves me, although she says the ABC's are her favorite song. This princess so amazes us with her wit and intelligence that I have to remind myself, she just turned 3! It seems like she just skipped the toddler stage but she does still enjoy crawling into our laps for a good cuddle...better enjoy it while we can!