Monday, July 30, 2007

As for Jason...

Jason is discovering the world and trying constantly to put it all together. His current interests are geography, time zones, and weather. Recent questions have been, "what are clouds made of?" and "are there restaurants on the top and bottom of the world?" and "while we're eating dinner, are our cousins in North Carolina eating breakfast?" Am I allowed to tell him that he'll learn the answer to many of his questions years from now and for now he should just work on playing ball and having pretend picnics with his sister? He's also working on reading and I'm really looking forward to doing a pre-K program at home with him this year. But for now we're just enjoying summer and all the water that comes with it! He loves swimming and does a great cannonball but is just as happy playing in the sprinklers and creating his own water slide in our front yard!

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