Sunday, December 15, 2013

Advent Day 15

We took a detour home this evening and enjoyed some very fun light shows...

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Advent Day 14

Day 14 has home!  It was a very busy week so today's advent activity was popcorn!
We popped popcorn and watched one of our favorite Christmas movies - Disney's Twice Upon a Christmas.  Not your favorite?  It's a random one but we love the cartoons in this collection, and grown-up Max learning to love his Goofy Dad makes me choke up everytime :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent Day 13

Day 13 brings us to the stage!
We've been attending a Community Bible Study at a local church this fall.  The program includes the kids putting on a Christmas play.  Beth was one of the narrators.  I was very proud of her reading.  She spoke clearly and with emotion.  I do wish I had dressed her up a bit.
Jason played Joseph.  He had no lines but did plenty of acting!  Here he is being visited in a dream by an angel.  I wish I had video of him pacing right before this moment as he, Joseph, was deep in thought over what to do with his pregnant fiancĂ©.
Adam played a wiseman and said his one line successfully. 
Jill was a cow and mooed loudly.
Even our foster babe got to participate...which is why there are no more pictures to share.  I can't share her cuteness, which happens to be in many of the group shots, so that will have to be it for now.
The play was a success.  Daddy even snuck out of work to attend. 
A very wonderful experience for all of us!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Advent Day 12

We've been waiting and waiting and today it happened...our home has Christmas lights!!!
Thank you to my wonderful husband for giving up his lunch break to complete the task.
...and if anyone is wondering about our Advent book, Bartholomew escaped slavery but is on the run.  Some intense stuff happening to this young boy!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advent Day 11

Day 11 brings us to a third night in a row going out...I must plan better next year!
Tonight was the church's 46th Street Family Christmas Party!
46th Street is youth group for 4th-6th graders (that's Jason and Beth in this house) but Adam and Jill love to be a part of the fun on these family nights!
I didn't really get any good pics but we had fun sharing appetizers and desserts, chatting with friends, and participating in a gift exchange.
My favorite moment was Jason and his friend John unknowingly taking each other's gifts from the table.  They were meant to be friends :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Advent Day 10

Day 10 brings us to Disneyland for the fireworks! 
We rarely do Disney at night but these Christmas events bring us out beyond bedtime. 
We arrived at the park in time for the show, squeezed through the crowds, and positioned ourselves right in front of the castle. 
We had to stand there for over an hour but we had fun playing I-Spy (quite a challenge when all we could see in any direction where Christmas lights!)
And of course, the show was worth the wait

It was too crowded and too late after the show to do anything so we just headed back up Main Street and home for bed.
A very fun Advent night!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Advent Day 9

Today was another special outing.  The organization we foster through was having a volunteer night.  People came to help stuff stockings and to make cards for children in foster care (our foster babe will receive one of these stockings).
 And the perk of volunteering on this evening - we get to play for a couple of hours at Pretend City when we're done!
Pretend City is a children's museum where children get to play store, restaurant, doctor's office, farm, etc...super fun!