Saturday, May 30, 2009

What about Jason...

In reviewing recent posts, I realized our oldest has been neglected. Poor guy...he's cute and witty like the others but somehow I've missed his moments in the blog world. Here's a picture and quick update...He's finished kindergarten but doesn't want to stop because he's reading and wants to keep working on that so he can read everything. He loves astronomy and will soon know more than me on that subject. His big boy teeth are growing in making him look so old! He loves legos and building blocks. His favorite chore is mopping my kitchen floor, woo hoo for me! What else...he's my hero whenever a bug is near as he enjoys squishing them and cleaning them up (this makes him Beth's hero, too). And today he learned not to leave shoes outside as he found a lizard in his boot (this may have actually been cool for him but it really freaked me out!)

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