Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jillian's 6 month ultrasound

This ultrasound was taken the day I got put on bedrest. The kids were with me because Andrew was out of town, it was a routine ultrasound, and I enjoy showing them the bones and heart and all the amazing things you can see. It was no longer fun when in a very serious tone, the tech told me to go upstairs and see my doctor immediately. Fortunately, I have amazing friends: One to get the kids and take them to lunch, one to watch them the rest of the afternoon while I sat in a hospital bed praying they would let me go home and not force me to stay there for the rest of the pregnancy (yes, this was a fear) and another friend to go to my house and sign paperwork with the movers who had been packing boxes all day. Thank you to all! And as upsetting as that day was, it was 6 weeks ago. I'm doing fine. Jill is kicking all the time (in other words, she's fine). I'm seeing a high risk obstetric doctor tomorrow. And we got a really good ultrasound picture out of that day :) Check out our adorable little girl (hope it's big enough to see, the bottom right corner profile is my favorite).

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