Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Day of School!

Ok, even though technically we're homeschooling and Jason is not going to public school this year, he's enrolled in a day of enrichment classes where he has to wear a uniform shirt and backpack. He looked so cute and mature, I just had to take pictures.

Beth is taking dance and one class, too, so she also gets to wear a uniform shirt and backpack, very fun except that I have 10 minutes to change her and walk to a different building! We made it, and they had a great first day.

In dance, Beth was excited that they did many of the same ballet moves she learned last year. She was so proud that she "knew" things already. Tap, however, was a brand new experience and while she loves the clickety clack, she says it's much harder and going to take practice. They also both made a clay model of the state of Georgia in their "Jog through Georgia" class. And Jason's decided after one day of art (a first grade class for our kindergartner because the classes left were so few, very exciting, and as the lady registering us said, he's big enough to fit right in :) he wants to be a pilot AND an artist. He's drawn me pictures of houses, trees and planes every day this week! I'll scan it in and post them when we get the scanner hooked up, ahhh...the joys of moving.
Overall, I'm very pleased we got ourselves into this ministry. It was kind of a rushed decision based on time constraints but I have very high hopes after only one day. It's a huge program and the halls were bustling with activity all morning. For a mom on bedrest, it was almost too much but Adam was very cooperative (praise God) and the library room is very close to Jason and Beth's second class where I was able to just sit and read to him for 45 minutes. Oh, how we're going to treasure that one on one time each week! All in all, we're very excited to give them this exposure to a classroom setting and other authority figures while still maintaining control over most of their education. We're looking forward to a great adventure in schooling!

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