Monday, September 1, 2008

2 months or 9 weeks or should we say...63 days

I'm 33 weeks pregnant today. I've been on bedrest for exactly 2 months, and as the doctor says: I'm still pregnant! That was his diagnosis last week as he sent me home despite my cervix becoming very thin again. I've wondered from day one if bedrest would really help, was it really necessary. I'll never know..but this I do know: I'm still pregnant! So here I am nine weeks after my diagnosis. I'm still laying on the couch (or sitting at the computer :), still depending on others for breakfast and dinner (I have the most fabulous husband), and still thankful for my very patient children who are content to color and play cards all day (with a little tv thrown in for fun :) But I'm only doing this for ONE more week! One more week and I will have survived 10 weeks of bed rest, woo hoo! So today, Labor Day, I'm praising God because I am not yet in Labor!!!
(PS Beth took the picture of me after commenting that my belly popped out! And it has, some of my maternity shorts no longer fit, ugh!)

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