Thursday, April 21, 2011

Natural History Museum of LA

Field trip with Grandma - she took us to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles. There was sooooo much to see that we're going to have to go back (good thing she got a membership :)
First up - dinosaur bones...the rest of the dinosaur exhibit is under renovation. We'll have to come back in a few months to see more.
Then there was an insect zoo. Jason and Adam enjoyed it. I was fine, too, until this you see it there? All of them! They are huge! I can't even look at the picture...
Beth on the other not a big fan of insects. She spent the time standing right outside the room :)There were many "stuffed" animals throughout the museum (Beth liked these a lot more than the insects!)
Beth also enjoyed the rocks and minerals exhibit and tried to take this large pink rock home. Adam helped but alas, it is still at the museum...
Jason enjoyed everything and was a bit frustrated that we wouldn't let him read everything!There was also an American History exhibit with early vehicles such as this fire engine. Adam, honestly not very interested in much all day, found that making faces seemed to make everything a bit more entertaining.And finally, our favorite souvenir at 51 cents :) **There was also a special butterfly exhibit...more on that to come**

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