Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Community Egg Hunt

Our wonderful realtor's office hosted an Easter Egg Hunt last weekend. The "free pony ride" was enough incentive for us to drive over and check it out. It was totally worth it (it was all free so really, how could it not be worth it :)
We showed up just in time for the "egg hunt." There was no hunting. It was a "run in this roped off area where we have thrown a bunch of candy, trinkets, and bags of chips" activity. They did it in age groups. Jill and Adam were first... Adam didn't need an Easter basket :)Then it was Beth's turn. She watched as they set up the candy, and got her eye on a pink egg (there were multiple pink eggs but she knew which one she wanted!) She successfully got it! And finally, it was Jason's turn. Daddy gave him some pointers and then...ready...set....go! We went home with plenty of lollipops and jellybeans...Daddy threw all the tootsie rolls back into the grass (we've convinced the kids that tootsie rolls are not food, they are plastic!)

After the candy collecting, it was time for the bounce house obstacle course.
And then the pony rides! There's Jill...She loved it! By they way, the boys didn't ride. Jason's too big and Adam says, "Ponies aren't boyish." Who knew? And then there's Beth...Beth LOVES horses. She was sooooo happy. This made for a perfect day for her...

And finally, everyone got their face painted by the local high school cheerleaders. They did a great job!A very successful morning for these four works of art!

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