Friday, January 2, 2009

On the 6th day of Christmas Beth sang some carols

Beth plays independently very well. But unlike Jason who plays silently in deep thought, Beth sings while she plays. She sings her own made-up songs, usually some form of praise and worship songs from church. I keep saying I need to record her but she doesn't like the attention so I have to catch her off-guard. And you can't ask her to sing on the spot. The lyrics come to her randomly while she's playing (or showering :) Well driving long stretches on our roadtrip left plenty of quiet time for Beth to break out in song. I realized I could secretly record her singing Christmas carols but she caught me (I had the camera on my shoulder)...

On the way to church on Christmas Eve, Beth started singing. It was her own version of the 12 days of Christmas. Andrew and I smiled at each other over her cuteness as she sang, "On the next day of Christmas Santa gave to me so-o-ome stuff..." But when she sang the next verse I realized I needed to start recording her, "On the fourth day of Christmas he gave to me a big, shiny, clean, new car [long pause] for my family!" So even though the video is black, I am soooooo glad I pulled out the camera and hit record so I could catch the next verse...
If you couldn't hear because Adam was trying to sing along to her made-up lyrics...let me interpret, " he gave me a sweet little baby whose name is Jesus. The next day of Christmas he gave me...Jesus gave me a bunch of candy."

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