Monday, April 21, 2008

Small Talk and Big Leaps

A recent "conversation" between me and Adam:

Adam: I cute

Mom: Who told you that?

Adam: Mickey, yea, Mickey!

I guess if Mickey's going to talk to him, I should be glad it's positive.

Here's a picture of Adam flying. Ever since we took him on Peter Pan at Disneyland and then read him the story out of a Disney storybook, he's been obsessed with flying and Peter Pan. He loves flying when Daddy's flying him, and had a real flying adventure the other day when Daddy got bold and tossed him for a few flights. Fun but a bit too much for mommy to watch, luckily Daddy didn't push his luck and only gave him a few flights :)

1 comment:

Marcie said...

He *is* cute...just like his big brother and big sister. I'm sure his little brother or sister will be cute, too. Those Skellys!

When is the cute family coming to Arizona? We can't wait to see you!