Sunday, April 20, 2008

Big Boy Bed for Adam

It was somewhat of an impulsive decision but one night last week, we just took the side off of Adam's crib. I had complained of lifting him over it for naps, and Jason and Beth climb in there with him in the morning and bounce around (I can't believe it's still in one piece to tell you the truth!) So we decided: no more crib! Adam was very excited. He loves crawling up into his own bed. We even gave him a pillow all his own. This is also helping with the weaning of the pacifier. He keeps it on his pillow and can have it only if he stays in his bed. He goes there throughout the day for a fix but comes back out happy and with no paci. The only problem with this new setup...he rolls out of bed just about every night. We have pillows there so he's not getting hurt but it disrupts his sleep (and ours!) And if for some reason he doesn't react to the fall, he'll wake up hours later across the bedroom. I guess he's a mover in his sleep. We can't really put the side back on but we're considering a bed rail to protect him (should have thought of that first, huh?) But then Andrew says...he'll learn someday :)
PS This is Adam's new best friend - Mickey Mouse. He's actually a bit obsessed. Originally it was Jason's given to him by Grandma as a "congratulations you're a big brother" gift when Adam was born. But Jason generously gave Mickey to Adam recently because he loves it soooo much. He now takes Mickey everywhere and sleeps with him. It's cute but I wish he were beanie baby size, oh well!

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