Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Two more cousins

Our extended family is growing once again!!! My sister, Tara, and her family have adopted two girls from Ethiopia. We are so excited for them as the adoption process has been long (and here I am 12 weeks pregnant feeling like this takes forever. Pregnancy is nothing compared to the waiting game in adoption!) Anyway, they leave in a week to pick them up, and we're hoping to visit in May or June. I can't wait for our kids to meet these girls they've been praying for all these months. So in total our kids now have 17 cousins. Will there be anymore anytime soon or are we just waiting for my sister Lindsay to get married and have her bundles of joy? We'll see...for now I wanted to include a link to Tara's blog for anyone interested in reading or learning about international adoption and the journey it takes (and for you to see some pics of our beautiful nieces)!

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