Friday, December 28, 2007

Gingerbread Houses

For over 20 years we've been building gingerbread houses with our cousins. We go to Aunt Edie's house and build and decorate houses together. It's fun to build the houses but really it's a reason to get together at Christmas time without actually getting together on Christmas, which has just become impossible with our growing family. So Thank You to Aunt Edie and Sara for baking all 13 houses for this year's event. I thought we'd never build that many but 12 houses went home (Lindsay's job kept her from finishing her doghouse). This year was particularly special because we were all there, all 6 of Grandma's grandkids (Sara, Jocelyn, Robert, Casey, Amy & Lindsay) and all 16 of her great-grandkids! Grandma put it best as we tried to corral the kids for a group photo when she said, "this is all my fault!"

For pictures of the gingerbread houses check out my shutterfly slideshow:

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