Monday, December 31, 2007

2007's Top Ten

I visited my sister Tara and her family in Arizona last New Year's and they let us in on their family tradition. They list the Top 10 Events of the year. These are not necessarily your favorite or even good, just the most significant. It seemed basic, but after sitting with them and really thinking about it and coming up with 10 things, it proved valuable. It was thought provoking, reflective and fun. So here we are, New Year's Eve 2007, and before I begin planning how I'm going to do things so much better next year, I'm going to reflect on last year...

1. Longs came home (indefinitely) from Bosnia and Eagan was born! (ok, that may be two things but it was a busy year!)

2. Our first family road trip (10 days of family fun through California in May!)

3. A visit from Andrew's sister and her family last April. Not only did we love having them here for Easter but we visited Disneyland and Sea World and therefore had passes for both amusement parks for the rest of the year!

4. Skelly family reunion in the Outer Banks, NC (1 week, 1 house, 13 adults, 11 kids under 7, priceless fun!)

5. Adam started walking (he was 16 months before he was really walking, ugh!) and talking (we are very happy to hear lots of words and even two sentence phrases after having experienced the worry and frustration of Jason not talking until 2 1/2).

6. Andrew and I both lost a Grandpa (Alton Skelly, Sr. in January and Ralph McCambridge in July)

7. I started homeschooling Stephen. (It's been challenging and rewarding and time consuming and we're barely halfway done!)

8. Our church merged with another and we now have a new name, a new location and new friends! And as great as that is and has been, there's a nostalgic part of us that misses New Harvest, the Boys and Girls Club, and the gym.

9. We weren't pregnant for a whole year (that was last year's New Year's Resolution :) giving me a chance to have two elective surgeries (a painful screw removed from my pinkie and a stapedectomy to restore hearing in one ear.) Both were successful, praise God!

10. The kid's experienced their first organized group activities (swim lessons, ballet and soccer).


LOVE, The Skellys


Nancy said...

Will there be a CRTP post? A girl can dream...

Dawn Coleman said...

Hi there! I have you on my blogroll now! I didn't realize you guys had your 3 kids in such a short period of time, wow! :-)
I will see you wednesday at study!