Monday, November 1, 2010

Harvest Fair

We had a blast at this year's Harvest Fair. The kids loved dressing up and fortunately chose mostly from costumes we already owned! Jason chose his clone trooper costume to match with Andrew's Chewbacca shirt. I did buy shirts for Andrew and I since it's been years since we've dressed up although Andrew ended up being everyone by the end of the night... Beth wanted to be Pocahontas last year. We bought the material and then realized that not only do neither Andrew nor I really know how to sew, but the machine we recently had been given wasn't working. We ended up borrowing a costume from a friend so she was Pocahontas. But this year she wanted us to make the costume we were supposed to make last year. Well, the sewing machine is at Grandma's being fixed (turns out it just needed a good tune-up, and we'll all be learning how to use it very soon) but we can't let her down two years in a row so Andrew got out the hot glue gun. I cut, he glued and wow, we did it! For Adam, I was really rooting for a fourth year of Nemo, and he was all for it until we found the Buzz Lightyear costume I bought some months back. He not only wanted to be Buzz for the Harvest Fair but he slept in Buzz Saturday night and wore it to church! At least he had Nemo face painted on him :) And then there's Jill...she has a few hand-me-down costumes to choose from but it took her no time at all to pick, "mooooo." She was very excited to be a cow. She was not as excited to meet a cow (that's our pastor in there). In fact, in the great jousting battle between cow and chicken, she was rooting 100% for the chicken! In Conclusion, whether we were getting a hole in 6, jousting with dad, riding the swings, screaming on the pirate ship with friends, or bouncing down the bounce house slide, we had a fabulous night! (And here we are all sugared up and exhausted! Good Night!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beth looks so cute on Pocahontas dress!!!!!! I wish I could have one^^