Wednesday, December 10, 2008

just some fun pics...

Some fun things Adam's saying these days..."You, mommy, me!" or "I teeny." He wants to still be the baby around here. Don't tell him he's a big boy! I tell him he's my baby boy and Jill is my baby girl. He seems to like that.
Jason, Jill and Daddy playing with K'NexAdam has been writing straight vertical lines for weeks now and saying they're letters. You can imagine his surprise (and ours) when he wrote these lines and realized he actually wrote a real letter - H!!!Our resident butterfly doing the dance of joy.We're so proud of Beth getting dressed all by herself!Setting up the tree...Jason was soooo excited. Being a lover of trees, Jason has always loved the Christmas Tree tradition. This picture would make a better video so you could see him bouncing with joy!
Jason lost another tooth! His other top tooth is loose so maybe he'll be able to sing, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!"Jill at 7 weeks all ready for church.Beth is still holding Jill any chance she gets!Laughs, tickles, and hugs occur every evening when daddy gets home!

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