Monday, December 1, 2008


Baby clothes can be challenging. There's the cute outfit that has a zipper all the way up the back. You'll have to trust me on this one if you've never tried, but changing a diaper in this outfit is nearly impossible. Then there's the clothes that just don't work in a carseat, especially all the bulky cold weather outfits that somehow Jillian has tons of but will probabaly never wear. It's just easier to put on a sleeper and cover her in blankets. Do 1 month olds really wear snowsuits? And then there's even the simplest clothing...Jillian has a knack for getting out of her clothes. I've woken up in the morning to find she's wiggled her arm or leg completely out. Here's a picture of her "missing" a leg.She gets really frustrated when her legs get all twisted up. Well I finally remembered a trick someone (I think it was my sister) suggested - put socks on the outside of the sleepers so the feet stay on! This seems to work until the socks fall off...oh well, we could just go the route on no clothing...

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