Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Maybe it's because it happens so rarely or because she's totally unsure of what's happening but so far bathtime is not Jillian's favorite time of day. She either cries the whole time or clings to us for safety making manuevering very difficult. (and in this picture I was only doing a quick birdbath washing of the lower half!) We did discover the other night that putting her in the big tub laying on her back with Beth holding her works. She was content and let me wash her. (Sorry I don't have pictures as we're trying to protect Beth's modesty :) It seems scary to have her in that big huge tub but she's so much more comfortable than in the little bitty baby tub or in the sink. I guess this will be our method of choice. Aren't we glad we didn't invest in a new fancy baby tub!

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