Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Jill, Bat, Ball

After lunch today, Jill came to me with a bat and ball (not a baseball, a big red handball) and asked to go outside. This is usually naptime but ok, let's go. She had a blast hitting the ball and chasing it. I wanted to get her running full speed on video as it is a sight to see. She really gets her arms into it and makes it look exhausting! I didn't really get the running I was looking for but I caught plenty of amusing moments that I must share...
First the basic bat and ball play (be sure to catch the jeering , "ha, ha!")

And the "it's hard being the youngest clip"

And finally, she switches to basketball (love the signature, "yep" right at the end)

You'd think after all this play she'd be exhausted, but alas, there was no nap today. Ahhh...toddlers.

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