Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adam's Birthday

Adam is 4 years old!!! The day before his birthday we went to dinner (Chik-fil-A) with friends. It was Galactic Night. Adam was thrilled to have all these Star Wars characters talking to him and taking pictures with him. We couldn't have planned better!After dinner we headed to our friend's house for cake. This is Adam's "A" cake made special by his daddy (just don't look at the "cake plate." An old cookie sheet was the only thing big enough!)We also made cupcakes for Adam to bring to Sunday School the next morning (his actual birthday) but unfortunately he woke up with a stomach bug! He spent the day on the couch...We did manage to decorate and bring his presents out while he was napping. What a surprise to wake up and be surrounded by streamers, pictures of him, and presents. We even put streamers on the fan!
He was feeling better and enjoyed opening his presents. "Look, Daddy! It's Wall-E!" Cool, a big boy scooter! Woo-hoo!
We thought his birthday was over but Adam said he was still 3. We weren't sure what he was waiting for but later that week we had visitors...When Grandpa Al & Anja came to visit bringing gifts and a dinner outing, he finally decided he was 4.Happy 4th Birthday, Adam! I'm glad that you don't want to grow up too fast. We love you and all God has created you to be! Keep giggling!

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