Monday, February 18, 2008

I have a joke to tell you...

Last summer, cousin Caleb told Jason and Beth a joke. It was the end of a longer joke and went something like this...

Why did the plane fall out of the sky? The pilot was a banana! Ha, ha, ha...what? You're not laughing? Jason and Beth thought it was hilarious and so began their own days of joke telling. They started with versions of Caleb's joke with banana and planes often part of the punchline but began to expand their repertoire with anything and everything. And most importantly, I'm pretty sure the jokes never make sense. Here are some recent examples:

Beth: Why didn't Cinderella go to the ball? Because she wanted to go to the ball (Huh? Yes, I know, it is completely contradictory. Her jokes often have this format and almost always involve princesses or the aforementioned banana).

Jason: Why doesn't the tree drive a car? Because it can't! Ha, tried once and hit a light. (Ok, his jokes are expanding and almost make sense. His main problem is that his jokes are usually just facts like how did the rocket get into outerspace? It used lots of fuel to blast off! We're working on facts v. humor).

Most often these jokes come at me while I'm in the car, and, while I'm trying to be a good audience, I'm not always successful. I'll be focusing on driving (or daydreaming) and Jason will say, "I have a joke to tell you." I try to pay attention but I don't have the best hearing and I'm trying to drive so I'll react with a, "oh, that's interesting" or "how crazy" or something, and he'll ask, "you didn't think it was silly?" I really need to work on my spontaneous fake laugh. Meanwhile, I hope I'm not squashing some future stand-up comic but with the material I've seen so far, I think I'm ok :)

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Amelie has recently gotten into telling jokes, like, "What do you do if you don't have any picture frames? Go and get one at the store!" Hahahaha! I've been working hard at perfecting my fake laugh, as well.