Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Rite of Passage...Space Mountain

Jason has always been a big boy with weights and heights measuring off the charts since he was 2 months old. So it should have been no surprise that he was tall enough to ride Space Mountain when he was a mere 2 1/2 years old. But Andrew and I wholeheartedly agreed that he was not old enough for the ride even if he was in fact tall enough. We decided he had to wait until he was 5 years old. It seemed like an age old enough for such thrills...and it seemed eons away! Well here we are 2 1/2 years later and Jason finally got to ride Space Mountain.

While waiting in line (only a 15 minute wait, yea!) Jason said, "This is going to be so much fun. My legs already feel like they're on the ride!" Now being the worrier I am, I was concerned that he might not like it, it might be too scary, too fast, would I scar him forever! Again I wasted time and energy worrying. After the last turn we rounded the corner back to the "launching station," and Jason says with the biggest most sincere smile ever, "That was so much fun! I loved that ride. I think Daddy will love it, too." Hint was taken and he rode again with Daddy and then again with Mommy. Yes, he rode three times and after the third time asked if he would get to ride the next time we go to Disneyland. Andrew and I are glad we waited until Jason was 5. He may have been fine a year ago or even younger but waiting made the ride that much more exciting, special and memorable.

PS Did I mention it was pouring today? We decided to brave the rain bringing umbrellas, ponchos and spare clothes in the car. It was a great decision. There were no lines, it didn't rain constantly (just most of the time), and did I mention: no lines! We walked onto Splash Mountain (we had ponchos so why not), Dumbo, and many others. Have you ever heard of walking right onto Dumbo? We got wet but we'd do it again! We were cold and tired at the end of the day but soup and hot cocoa for dinner put a perfect ending on our special day!


Nancy said...

Wow! I rode Space Mountain for the first time when I was twice Jason's age and it scared me like nothing before. I only rode it once (yet waited in line for 2 and a half years, I think) and that was about a half a time too long! Way to go, Jason!!

Gretchen said...

How fun! We did Disneyland in the rain once too and the no lines part made it totally worth it.

Tara said...

Way to Go Jason!! sounds like going with poncho's in the rain has its advantages:)Tara

Dawn Coleman said...

You are so right - Disneyland is the best when it rains!! Nobody is there! Before we had kids Jake and I went to disneyland when it was pouring and it was so fun. As native Oregonians we didn't really have an excuse not to brave the rain. :-)