Friday, August 17, 2007

Our newest family members...

Yes, after talking about it for years, we adopted 2 tortoiseshell kittens from the shelter yesterday! We agreed to get a cat years ago. We even bought a litter box months ago and feeding bowls 2 years ago but we just haven't found the right cat. I've always had great cats and always come across them when I wasn't necessarily looking so even though I knew we wanted a cat, I wanted it to happen naturally rather than force it (OK, that may sound bizarre but a cat is a long commitment and I don't want to get stuck with a cat not meant for our family). Anyway, there was an article in our paper about too many animals at the Irvine shelter and a special deal they're offering (only $65 and buy one get one!) So we went to look. Now I've looked before and nothing ever felt right. And the first kitten they handed me, I thought no. Well then they brought us these two 4 month old sisters and I fell in love. And more importantly, they were calm and relaxed around our three young children. They let Beth carry them and Adam even squealed his ear piercing squeal with little reaction. One curled in a ball and fell asleep on my lap. Jason got to feel a cat's purr. We've found a perfect fit for our family. We pick them up after our trip to NC and hopefully by then we'll have names for them...any ideas? Andrew suggested Soap and Water so he could tell the kids to wash their hands with soap and water and then they could let the cats lick them clean, ha, ha...Stay tuned for names and oh so many pics of our kids welcoming them to our home.
PS And for an added bonus, we brought Stephanie and Stephen with us (this was supposed to be a casual look before we all went out to dinner) and they ended up with a kitten, too! They're picking Roxie up today...I'll be sure to get a pic of her, too :-)

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