Wednesday, October 3, 2012

One Month Fostering

It's been a month and it's been good and it's been hard and it's what we were meant to do!
Generally, things have been very smooth.  The bio family appreciates what we are doing for their child and works with us.  But they do get four visits a week and that takes a lot of time away from our week.  It is a sacrifice...somedays it's really hard, other days it feels normal, no big deal.
 Our kids are doing well with it all.  Jill and Adam absolutely love having her around.  Jill makes her laugh daily.  Adam has to get a hug from her everytime she wakes up from a nap or returns from a visit.  He loves to sit on the floor and play with her.  The older two have never been "baby" people, but they are willing to help and have done their fair share of holding, watching, and entertaining.  I was worried initially how they all would do with attaching to a temporary baby sister, and while I still wonder what will happen, they seem to understand.  Adam even commented, "Can we get a boy next time?"  They know it's our job to love her and to give her a family while her family figures out how to better take care of her, however long that takes!
Anyone up for a picnic on the floor? 
Wish I could share some of the really sweet pics I have of all these kids playing together but no internet photos of foster baby allowed.  So you'll just have to take my word that she is super easygoing, adorable, and sweet :)

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