Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What we think happened to Jill

It was Sunday night and Andrew and I were in the kitchen cleaning up dinner.  The kids were all upstairs getting ready for bed.  We heard a crash to which Andrew responded, "that didn't sound good."  I was already running up the stairs.  My thought was, "what's going to be broken?"  I wasn't thinking of a person at this point, I was thinking of things.  Jill was crying but nothing horribly loud but when I looked into her room, I knew.  It's not something that can be explained, but I knew.  She was sitting on the floor.  Her sister was in bed reading and saw nothing.  Jill wasn't talking, just sobbing.  We carefully removed her pajama shirt to see what we could see.  We finally got her to point to her elbow so we would know where to put the ice.  I hate to go to ER late at night but it was her elbow and that can require surgery and out of place pain and we had to go...Thank you to my wonderful friend Stephanie who came right over to sit with the kids so both Andrew and I could take her...
The ER was crazy crowded with a lot of sick people.  We tried our best to sit in a corner and not touch anything!  But we were there for almost three hours before seeing the doctor.  It was almost midnight.  How did Jill survive 3 hours with a broken arm? 
She slept. 
Only the X-rays, which involve rotating the wrist and pain, woke her up.  She fell back asleep and didn't even wake up while they put the splint on her.  But before they wrap it up out of sight for the next three's a peek:
Not too bad, just swollen.  The fun colors, if they come, usually come later.  And the next day...
She's a trooper.  Except for being tired and unable to get a shirt on correctly, she's totally fine. 
In fact, the next day she was mad that I wouldn't let her ride her scooter! (And she was comfortable enough to let us get a shirt over her cast :)
And today we got the final cast...
So...what happened to cause all this fuss?  Chatting with Jill and looking at what was on the floor...this is our best guess:
And asking her, she is confirming that yes, she climbed up on top of this shelf.  Why?  To reach her nesting dolls (which were on the floor so she was successful)
She didn't like standing up there for the reenactment at all so we're thinking she learned her lesson. And considering how far she fell, I'm relieved that it's only her elbow (it's actually the ulna only, right at the elbow...all is perfectly in place, very minor break!)  Praise off to keep her from any more crazy stunts! 


Sara Magallanes said...

the pictures of Andrew and Jill are priceless I remember those nights like they were yesterday!

Misty Radke said...

Thanks for sharing. She is precious.

CardNonna said...

Love the purple cast. Glad it wasn't a serious break. She and Alyssa should compare notes some day.