Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Beth's Three Ships

I said years ago that I wanted each of our children to have a minimum of one year of either piano or violin, their choice.  Jason chose piano and played last year.  He liked it but wants to move on to other instruments (he's thinking trumpet but we'll make that decision next fall when he starts band).  Beth chose violin.

I don't know anything about violin but I gave her a choice so I was stuck...fortunately, we found an amazing homeschool music program that is very affordable.  After only a few months of lessons, they had a Christmas concert tonight.  I love how the beginners only had to play a scale but with the advanced group accompanying them, it's a song...beautiful.  Beth enjoyed herself and seems to really like the violin.  She definitely likes that it's unique for our family and that she gets to be the first one to step into this new territory.  I look forward to watching her talent grow.  For now, here's my attempt to video from the back in a dark church but you can clearly see her playing thanks to my parent's Christmas present to me - my new camera :)

And to make the night even more special, Grandma drove down to watch Beth perform.  Complete with chocolate cookie treats, it was a good night.

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