Saturday, October 9, 2010

JIll's Birthday Weekend Part 1 - The Park with friends

Jill is turning 2 years old! Time to celebrate!!!
Although we know many people in California, Jill really doesn't know anyone; this is all new to her. So for her 2nd birthday, we debated whether to even do a party or just family or what??? Well, we settled on a very small party. There were only two families with four friends:
Small and simple was successful!
We played at the park.We colored. We ate fruit and pretzels. We had cake made by the wonderful, amazing Nana Roberta (thank you!!!) Our children have been blessed with many of her birthday creations so it is so fun that Jill gets to have one, too! She liked the singing but didn't know how to blow out the candles. Good thing she had plenty of helpers.We even had a special guest appearance - Nemo! The kids decided earlier this week that the party should be a Nemo party. Beth then "called" Nemo and asked if he could come. I don't know that Jill understood but Jason, Beth, and Adam had so much fun planning all week, making sure the costume was ready, and look at Adam....he was proud to be the special guest. And we finished the day with presents! She happily opened them one by one.It was a wonderful day for a special girl. So wonderful that the birthday girl didn't want to go home!Time for a nap so we'll be ready for more birthday weekend as we celebrate at Grandma and Grandpa's tomorrow!

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