Thursday, September 30, 2010

Moving Cross Country Part 2 - the chosen route

Coming to Georgia two years ago, we took the southern route - interstate 10 - to visit family and friends. But the shortest route is actually the more northern route - interstate 40 - and since time was valuable, we took the shortest route. Our journey began in Georgia where we headed to Tennessee. That's where we caught the 40. Tennessee has many rolling hills and the overpacked truck didn't like the roads in 90 degree weather. We took an extended dinner break to rest the vehicle, said a prayer, and continued our journey. We drove that first evening through southern Tennessee to Memphis and over the Mississippi River. (That's the bridge, trust me, it was pretty :) For anyone about to drive the 40 through Memphis, beware! At one point you actually have to take an exit in order to stay on the 40. Don't ask me how I learned this valuable lesson but some nice security guards helped us find our way back onto the road. Our GPS was in the truck with Andrew who did not miss the turn. Our phones (both Dawn's and mine) have GPS ability but it seems Memphis does not get reception. It was bizarre but we caught up to the truck and the kids slept through our mini-adventure so we kept on. Our first night's rest was in Russelville, Arkansas. Never heard of it? Me, neither. I just know we were west of Little Rock and on schedule thanks to Dawn who drove that entire day. It was in the middle of the night as we carried the kids into their beds, which included a cot, an overstuffed chair and a playpen that made the room quite an obstacle course but we all slept! Adam sleepily asked where we were because this was not California. Why weren't we in California in our new house? Poor kid...we heard a lot of that for the next three days...

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