Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekend in Virginia

We went to Virginia this last weekend to visit cousins for no other reason than it had just been too long since our last visit! It was a great weekend complete with fireworks,
an early birthday celebration for Beth,

a trip to the lake (pictures on that to come later), and lots of playtime in the pool, trampoline, swingset...wherever!

Turns out Jill loves the water!

Although I think the adults loved the waterplay more than the kids!

Poor Adam never quite got the hang of the water guns...
The kids got soooo excited over some of the brighter fireworks. I watched them more than the fireworks!

Beth enjoyed LOTS of cake and ice cream. She was also very happy with her Ariel swimsuit and Barbie mermaid that she received as presents from her cousins. After reading a short story today about a worm that wishes he were a gloworm, I asked the kids what they would wish for if they met a magician and wouldn't you know it, Beth said, "to be a mermaid." (and just an FYI, Jason said to know everything like Solomon.) Everyone enjoyed the cake. Everyone enjoyed the weekend. What a fun group of kids we have :)

(Cole and Ella)

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