Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Cold

Starting back in October, this California family has been slowly learning the meaning of cold. We've learned that sweatshirts are not enough to get you through winter so everyone got a new coat. We've learned that sunny days can still be freezing. I explained that it was cold enough to snow one icy day back in November and Jason got super excited exclaiming, "it's snow cold!" We now use this term to decide just how many layers are necessary. This most often applies to Beth who hates wearing pants. It has to be snow cold for her to wear tights or, gasp, pants! While we're not living in blizzard weather, we've had a handful of snow flurries, and even got to play in a little bit of snow in Pennsylvania at Christmastime. Maybe someday we'll even get snow here in our yard. It could happen...they tell me.
Here's a picture of a snowflake...yes, that's how much snow we've had. Exciting, huh? It was actually pretty cool to see the intricate detail of each flake, beautiful! However, it was night and I couldn't get a super close-up photo...

Jason tried to enjoy the snowfall but it was really cold! Why does it have to be so cold to have snow? I know the science of it all but really, snow is so fun except that it's so cold! We need warm snow we can play in.
Considering how much gear we need just to play outside, it's a wonder we ever leave the house! The best has been when we've left the house and realized we forgot jackets. Adam's worn Jason's sweatshirt before and we've turned around and gone back home to retrieve forgotten gear. I miss California!

1 comment:

Anne Spencer said...

i hear you there, Jocelyn.
Learned quickly here in North Texas how to layer and how many layers along with thermals which work great under slacks on the colder mornings.
Then, how quickly 50 & 60s can mean t-shirt and light jacket...and how much windchill can make a difference.