Thursday, October 9, 2008


I mentioned in my previous post, "Adam's 1st Haircut," that blue is his favorite color. I thought I'd share this picture to show you just how serious we are about this favorite color. Each week we have a letter of the week and the kids color a letter to kick it off. Jason and Beth have these colorful pictures full of detail, but Adam always colors his blue and only blue! I know they're older and I expect no more than scribbling from him at this stage but I just want you to understand that he is not taking ideas from his older siblings, he is creating his own style. (Sorry, didn't realize how bad the lighting was until I uploaded the picture but you get the idea)...
We occasionally get him to add some green or purple to his art but the dominant color is always blue. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised considering how obsessed Jason has always been with green (his favorite color since before he could talk). And then there's Beth and her pink obsession (her closet is scary as it overflows with only pink). But why? Why the obsessions? Do other people have similar experiences with their children or are we doing something to create these strong opinions? We give them different color cups (Adam cannot have blue everyday even though he insists). We buy varying colors of clothes (Adam and Jason will wear any color, Beth on the other hand...let's just say I stopped trying and now I buy only pink). Any ideas?
By the way, Adam is not writing his own name, that's his sister's handiwork :)

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