Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It's a....

We had an ultrasound and Jason, Beth and Adam are getting a baby sister! We are all very excited to bring another girl into our family. Beth gets the sister she's wanted and Jason's happy that we're all balanced equal boys and girls. He also pointed out to Adam that now he gets to have a little sister just like Jason (I thought this was particularly sweet considering how close Jason and Beth are).
I'm posting some ultrasound pictures. There isn't one of the girl parts. I'm not sure why they didn't give us one since we were making such a big deal about it making them point out that it was for sure girl (I even asked if I could give away my tubs of boy clothes.) And as much as everyone has a story of surprises at birth, this was the high risk obstetric office and the super nice equipment and the doctor as well as the tech so I'm giving away our baby boy clothes :) Anyway, I'm realizing now that I should be glad they didn't give me a picture of the girl parts so I can protect her modesty :) So rather than that, here's a top view (see the alien face and the fists and leg bones at the bottom crossed) and her arm waving "Hi!" And the one above is a full body side profile. She's healthy, everything looks perfect, praise God! Now we just have to wait 22 weeks (give or take) to see her in color!

PS We have a name and will share soon but we want to take a day or two to absorb the reality that she really is a girl and this will be her name and is that really what she's supposed to be called, etc...


Marcie said...

I knew it!
Okay, I didn't *know* it but I did guess it!
Let's see...the baby name is an A or a J...hmmm...I'll try to guess the name until you announce it.

Any Phoenix plans?

Dawn Coleman said...

How perfect! 2 boys, 2 girls! I'm excited to hear the name!