Friday, September 7, 2007


Jason's a special child. Although he was saying barely 10 words by the time he was 2, colors were some of those words. We believe he spoke colors early on because he couldn't sign or use other ways to communicate them. Nonetheless, he has always been very interested in colors (especially green). After watching a color episode of Blue's Clues, he became obsessed with mixing colors so Andrew, being the engineer he is, made a color wheel for Jason on the computer. Now we have children who know the colors magenta, aqua, and chartreuse, to name a few. This all happened over a year ago now but I recently realized that he's growing up and going to be five soon. It's no longer impressive and he won't have his cute toddler voice for very much longer. So because they grow up too fast, I will cherish these few seconds of video for a lifetime because this is my son saying one of his favorite words in the same way he's said it since he was 3.

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