Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent Day 13

Day 13 brings us to the stage!
We've been attending a Community Bible Study at a local church this fall.  The program includes the kids putting on a Christmas play.  Beth was one of the narrators.  I was very proud of her reading.  She spoke clearly and with emotion.  I do wish I had dressed her up a bit.
Jason played Joseph.  He had no lines but did plenty of acting!  Here he is being visited in a dream by an angel.  I wish I had video of him pacing right before this moment as he, Joseph, was deep in thought over what to do with his pregnant fiancé.
Adam played a wiseman and said his one line successfully. 
Jill was a cow and mooed loudly.
Even our foster babe got to participate...which is why there are no more pictures to share.  I can't share her cuteness, which happens to be in many of the group shots, so that will have to be it for now.
The play was a success.  Daddy even snuck out of work to attend. 
A very wonderful experience for all of us!

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