Thursday, January 27, 2011

Battle of the Coconut Tree

During Jason's piano lessons, we usually take a walk through the teacher's neighborhood. Last week Beth and Adam prepared for the walk before we left our house, bringing friends of the stuffed kind and weapons of plastic. We turned the corner and they were off...What could possibly make them plan, prepare, and conquer, you ask...Coconut Trees (ok, they're really not coconut trees but that's what they call them and I'm playing along.) After we passed through the battlefield, I asked Beth why they were fighting coconut trees. She proceeds to tell me that they drop coconuts on your head and that really hurts. Ok, fair enough.
I then ask her, "Have they ever dropped a coconut on your head?" I wasn't sure how far this imagination game had gone between her and Adam.
She answered, "No because we usually run through (I am aware that most weeks they run yelling on this part of the walk) but this week we decided to fight!"
I can't say I totally understand their world but I love it, love that I get a glimpse of it daily, and love that next week they want to bring Jason to see the coconut trees.

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