Sunday, October 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jillian! Party #2

After a fabulous weekend in North Carolina, we returned home to Georgia where party #2 was already in the planning. Jill has a friend at church, Zeke. Being 10 days apart they've grown up together! (Someone has a newborn picture of them together at my shower???) Here they are in May at 7 months old...Anyway, we planned a Prince and Princess party for the two of them.

The party took place at the Coffee Park. The location attracted us because they provide the activities, the food and the clean-up. We only had to bring cake and people.
The cake was a big hit with Jill. "I just have to make it through this song and then I get to eat!" Having practiced the week before, she knew this was good stuff! Caught you, Adam! He's knows it's good, too!Zeke on the other hand wanted nothing to do with his cake. His mom did such a good job decorating it, I think he didn't want to damage it :) They both enjoyed digging into their presents - paper, things that make noise, and more paper!Yummy food, great cake, presents, friends, leaving the mess for someone else to clean was a successful party. Here's some more of the fun:
They had games like playing with the parachute and duck, duck, goose.Jill LOVED the slide and crawling around the castle.
Big brothers everywhere to be knights for our princesses.

Happy Birthday Jill & Zeke!

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