Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Play Ball!

Spring is almost here and you know what that means, BASEBALL! Now for this family, we're not usually aware of baseball until maybe the World Series in the fall but this year Jason is playing teeball so we're well aware of what season it is. It's his first year in little league. He's a Yankee (I know many of you probably aren't Yankee fans but for the next 16 weeks we're all Yankee fans, ok?) Saturday was opening day complete with a pancake breakfast, procession of teams around the major field, a pitch by the Mayor of Costa Mesa, and everyone's first game. After the game we asked Jason what his favorite part of the game was and he answered, "I like the parade best." We better warn him that there will not be another parade next week. It seemed like such a little thing to us but to the kids, that procession first thing in the morning turned out to be very memorable. And then to make it even more special, Jason's team made it into the paper as they were on "parade." I'm so excited that Jason's favorite part of baseball got this extra attention, and out of all the teams, his team (with Jason himself standing proud in the center) got their picture in the paper. Who knows, maybe it's the beginning of a very lucrative career with many more newspaper clippings. He is a leftie after all...The last picture is Jason happily on first base. Those kids at his feet are the other team (the Tigers had very similar uniforms). It was amusing to watch the kids all go after the ball every time while the batter proudly makes it to first base everytime because, in case you didn't know, there are no outs in teeball. Everyone bats, everyone runs all the bases one by one, and, it would seem, everyone runs after the ball and then wonders what to do with the finally obtained ball. You should come out and see a game. It's a lot of fun!

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