Sunday, November 4, 2007

Eagan Benjamin has arrived!

Casey had her baby! He came into the world at 11:04 am on 11/04 weighing 7 lbs. 7oz. and measuring 20in. long. Mother and baby are doing well. Grandma and Aunt Jocelyn got to be there for the very speedy delivery and were very happy to share in the joy.

He's an adorable and very easygoing, alert baby. The nurses can't get him to cry, and although we know they're supposed to do that for health reasons, we're thinking it may be a good thing that he's so mellow! He's nursing well and doing all the other things babies are supposed to (he went pee pee before they could even get his first diaper on him!)

Eagan is blessed with four proud big brothers who all want to know, did I look like that? And although Caleb seems a little hesistant (maybe he's worried about losing his status as the baby or maybe it's just the shock of seeing someone so small that looks like him) with Daddy's help he did hold him and give him a good look over.

It's going to be fun to see who little Eagan becomes as he grows. He has a very special family and is going to be a very special boy! We can't wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jocelyn, et al:

Thanks so much for the great photos and postings.

He is wonderful...all of the kids look great.

Casey looks beautiful!

Love, AJ