Friday, November 14, 2008

Doctor's Visit

We went to the doctor for all 4 kids. They had well check visits with their new doctor. All went well, everyone's healthy, and I like our new doctor, yea!
What I found the most interesting is Jillian's weight. She weighs 9 pounds, 14 ounces. That was MY birth weight! She's almost 5 weeks old and is just now my birth weight, sorry mom! I know people have even bigger babies and I just look at her and think, how? She's growing so fast and already seems so different than her newborn self, yet, she's the size of some newborns. I just stared at her today and wondered how I would get her inside my body. It's a major miracle that our bodies can do that, God is creative! And because he's been somewhat absent from recent girly's a picture of Jason being creative with his snack...

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