Friday, September 16, 2011

Our summer

Hello world!  Someone has been asking when am I going to update my blog?  Well...there's this problem...the longer you go not updating, the harder it is to do because there's more and more to say!  Does that make sense?  So I continue procrastinating even though I like having my online journal to help me remember the little's my scrapbook because we know that actual scrapbooking is not happening for real here at home.  So...why did I stop blogging in the first place - it was summer in southern California!  I forgot what that can be like.  As much as I enjoyed the seasons in Georgia and love all the people that we spent time with in June during our east coast vacation...nothing beats a southern California summer!  We went to the beach,

the lagoon,

 and the OC County Fair, woo hoo! 
And then we went back to the lagoon,
again and again...

and back to the beach
again and again...

and again!

And when we were home

resting and recovering from all our time in the sun - that was my time to plan for school!  I spent a good part of July and August reading through books, curriculum planning and book shopping (I'm keeping Amazon in business :)  I love homeschooling every year I find myself doing more of my own planning and takes work planning (fortunately it's the kind of work I love :) 
So there you have it...our summer in a nutshell.  I'll probably never finish blogging about our summer or our trip to NC (hopefully that month got enough posts already).  I'm going to just pick up and start from today...and try to not think of myself as behind so that I'll be able to move forward!

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