**Update** No, we're not dangling our two month old baby from a ceramic hook! We've had many comments (mostly in person not on the blog) about how scary this photo looks. Andrew's arm is up her back (you can actually see it in the photo to the right of the stocking if you look close) and his other hand is on the bottom and he only moved that hand away from her front for the photo. So to clarify - no babies were injured in the taking of this photo :)
Have you been naughty or nice? Beth's obviously been very, very good because look what's in her stocking! Jill is definitely my favorite gift this year, what's yours?
Oh, that is so sweet!! What a cutie!! Tara
Home you checked the weight limit on that mounting hook. :-) ... I suspect you had someone outside of the picture frame holding it up from the bottom.
Either way, that is too cute.
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