Thursday, March 27, 2008

Grandpa & Anja visited!

We were blessed with a visit from Grandpa Al & Anja last week. The kids had lots of good quality grandparent time! Anja taught Adam how to catch a ball (see video below). Grandpa taught Jason how to swing a bat (his tball coach was super impressed at his improvement!) And Beth always had her choice of laps where she could sit and talk and talk and talk...It was a great week complete with a visit to the beach, a tball game, and a huge bubble bath (Bubblefest show at the Discovery Science Center). The visit was too short! Hope to see you again soon, Papa & Anja!

1 comment:

Marcie said...

Congratulations on Baby #4! I just read the top of your blog...something I've done before so I'm not sure why I read it again but I'm glad I did. Good news! Very exciting!